October 02, 2014

5 Bonus Fall Running Tips You Forgot!


Yes fall is upon us and while that usually just means pumpkins and turkeys, for many it also means Great Pumpkin Races and Turkey Trots.  With the break in the weather from a summer of sweaty runs, thousands are getting their running shoes laced back up for the best running season of the year.  There are helpful lists of tips everywhere about how to run your first 5K and training for a marathon and it's crucial not to forget these bonus tips stridfor fall running as well!

1.  Prepare for darkness.  Yes, those long summer days are leaving us for shorter cooler ones and in many states we are about to turn back our clocks for daylight savings time.  Make sure you have reflective clothing or flashing lights for your early morning or late night runs.  

2.  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  You read this a lot during the summer, but don't forget to start your run with a big drink of water.  You might not feel as thirsty as summer, but your body is still working hard to push through the run so give it plenty of hydration before, during, and after.

3. Go shopping! You have my permission to go shopping!  Get some new shoes, get some new StrideTek insoles, get some StrideTek Flipthotics for after your runs.  Take care of those precious feet and legs so you can keep on running!

4. Extend slowly. Whether you are training for a marathon or your first race, it is tempting to push yourself to extend your last run to increase your mileage and make training progress. The fall weather can motivate even the slowest of us to kick it up a notch or run a little longer than yesterday.  Just make sure to do so slowly, or you'll end up with overuse injuries or simply runner's burn out. 

5. Have fun!  People all around the country fall in love with running this time of year and it's obvious why! There are wonderfully cooler temperatures and beautiful views.  There are friends upon friends out there training and running too.  Get out there, enjoy your run, and find your stride!